February 4, 2013

Courses in Savonia

During 3 months, we are studying in Savonia University. We have 12 hours of courses a week. Here is our timetable:

8.00 – 9.30


9.45 – 11.15
Process Technology

Written Business Communication

12.15 – 13.45


14.00 – 15.45
Process Technology


In process technology, we have been studying process flow diagram, energy and power usage in pumping, mechanical processes and paper technology. Paper industry is very present in Finland. There is a paper plant in Varkaus, Stora Enso. So it’s interesting to learn how paper machine works.

In introduction to manufacturing, we have been studying metal cutting technology. The teacher passes us several tools during the class and today we visited tool machines that students use in their TP.

In written business communication we have been doing several grammatical and vocabulary exercises. We have done an oral presentation: we had to do a summary about a business article which we had chosen. We did exercises about incoterms and terms of payments in international trade.

In projects, we work about ERP software. We have to explain what is an ERP software, choose one and explain how we make it work.

We don’t have course the Friday, but it’s the possibility to do other activities:

The first week the projects teacher show us round a stairs company, Kierreporras which is a very small company.

Last week, we organized a day in Kuopio, a city located 76 km from Varkaus. We visited a church, and then we went round an ice lack. On it, there was a windmill. 

Next Friday, we will have training about Hot-Work course in order to have a certification. 

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