May 3, 2013

Finnish movies and literature

 1) Arto Paasilinna

One of the most famous authors in Finland is Arto Paasilinna. He was born in Lapland in 1942. He wrote a lot of novels whose many are translated in French.

His name, Paasilinna, has been invented by his father. It means “stone fortress” in Finnish.

His novels are characterized by an unusual narrative sense of humor with singular characters living in several regions of Finland. Nature is very important in his novels, it is a full character. It’s why, Paasilinna’s work is described by “ecological humor novels”.

I have chosen to read one of his first novels, Vatanen’s hare written in 1975. It is also the most famous Paasilinna’s novel and it has been adapted in 1977 for a movie. The story deals with a journalist living in Helsinki who hit a hare with his car. He looked after the animal and went to the forest with it. They traveled during several seasons and walked across the Finland, as far as Lapland.

2) The Moomins

The Moomins (Muumi in Finnish) are characters in famous Finnish books then cartoons created by Tove Jansson. They look like white hippopotamus.

I saw several passages on Youtube but also, when I was a child I used to watch one cartoon video cassette that I had.

We can find these characters everywhere in the shops on cups, cloths, dishes, accessories, soft toy, etc… I bought several moomin items for my family.

It even exists an amusement park Muumimaailma (The world of Moomins) in Naantali in the southwest of Finland. 

May 2, 2013


Hello, this is Thomas and I'm going to tell you about my last party in Finland on the first of May, however this party was not a random one, it was Vappu.
Vappu is a festival, a big party, which takes place on the evening of the 30th of April and continues to the first of May. All the students and former students gather to celebrate this day, the end of the exams and drink together.

To celebrate Vappu, we decided to go to Jyväskylä, it's a bigger town than Varkaus and is 2 hours away by train. There were so many students! They were all gathered in a park with music and they had their traditional white hats, we met our Finnish friends there and we had some Sima, which is a traditional non alcoholic beverage for Vappu. There were street singers, many shops, and bars; it's a nice city.
I was there with some friends from Angers and Annecy and also our Dutch Friend. Then with a friend, we drank some unknown beverage in a kind of Finnish fraternity full of bearded men. Still, I had a fun night, it was a good experience to party somewhere else than in Varkaus. It was our farewell party, not the best, but a particular one.
Picture of Vappu in Helsinki

Point of view of a dutch student